3 Reasons To Own A Capo & The 3 Best Capos for Guitar

3 Reasons To Own A Capo & The 3 Best Capos for Guitar

I’m going to answer these questions: What does a capo do on guitar? Why do you use a capo? What capo should I buy? I’d also like to share with you 3 reasons why you should get a capo for acoustic guitar. Finally, I’m going to show you some options for good quality, affordable capos that will last a lifetime. Learn how to use a capo on the guitar.

Table of Contents

  • 0:00 – Intro
  • 0:31 – Do I need a Capo for Guitar?
  • 1:38 – Which guitar capo should I get?
  • 2:17 – The most affordable capo for guitar
  • 3:24 – The most versatile capo
  • 5:00 – An adjustable capo

A capo is an essential tool for acoustic guitarists, and today we’ll discuss three different types: an affordable option, a versatile one, and one with a unique mechanism. First, let’s quickly answer a common question: why would anyone need a capo?

A capo allows you to raise the key of a song without learning new chord shapes, making it easier to match your singing voice. It’s also necessary for certain songs, particularly fingerstyle and chord melodies. The first capo is a budget-friendly option you can find on Amazon for under $10. It’s a spring-loaded capo, which is easy to use but can sometimes oversqueeze the strings, causing them to go sharp. Despite its affordable price and basic construction, it’s a practical choice for occasional use.

The second capo is the Ernie Ball Axis Capo, known for its versatility. It features a dual-sided design with one curved side and one flat side, making it suitable for various fretboard shapes. It’s easy to use, doesn’t require much grip strength, and costs under $30.

Lastly, the Shubb capo has a unique latching mechanism that allows for adjustable tension, preventing oversqueezing and reducing the need to retune. It’s durable, with replaceable rubber sleeves, and costs about $25. Though it requires more setup and isn’t as versatile as the Ernie Ball Axis, its precise tension control makes it a great option.

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