5 Things Every Beginner ELECTRIC Guitarist MUST Know

5 Things Every Beginner ELECTRIC Guitarist MUST Know

In this lesson, I want to share with you five crucial tips that every beginner electric guitarist must know. These tips will help you kick-start your guitar journey and set a solid foundation for your playing. So, let’s dive in and get started!

You Can Jam Right Away: Focus on Rhythm and a Few Notes

One of the most exciting aspects of playing the electric guitar is the ability to jam and create music from the very beginning. You don’t need to know a ton of chords or complex scales to start playing. Instead, focus on developing a solid sense of rhythm and experiment with just a couple of notes. By mastering rhythm and timing, you can create engaging and enjoyable musical moments right from the start.

Practice Playing Softer: Utilize Your Amplifier

As a beginner, it’s common to hit the strings too hard, resulting in a harsh and overpowering sound. To overcome this, it’s essential to practice playing softly. A great way to achieve this is by using an amplifier. By amplifying your guitar’s sound, you can hear yourself clearly without the need for excessive force. This practice not only helps you develop a controlled touch but also allows for better dynamics in your playing.

Learn How to Mute Excess Strings

As you progress on your electric guitar journey, you’ll encounter situations where you need to mute unwanted strings to prevent them from ringing out and interfering with your desired notes. Learning proper string muting techniques is crucial for achieving clean and precise playing, especially when it comes to power chords and more advanced techniques like palm muting. Practice muting excess strings with both your fretting and picking hands to improve your overall sound quality.

Unlock the Major Scale by Moving the Minor Pentatonic Scale

Did you know that you can easily access the major scale by shifting the minor pentatonic scale down three frets? This simple yet powerful concept can open up a world of possibilities for your soloing and improvisation. By understanding the relationship between the minor and major scales, you can navigate the fretboard more confidently and expand your musical vocabulary.

Dive into Triads: Building Blocks of Chords

To truly understand how chords work on the electric guitar, it’s important to delve into the world of triads. Triads are three-note chords that serve as the building blocks for constructing larger chords. By learning different triad shapes and understanding their relationships within a key, you’ll gain a solid foundation for creating and comprehending complex chord progressions. Triads also provide a stepping stone for more advanced concepts like chord inversions and extended chords.


Congratulations on taking the first steps in your electric guitar journey! By incorporating these five essential tips into your practice routine, you’ll build a strong foundation for your playing and set yourself up for continued growth and improvement. Remember to embrace the joy of jamming, focus on rhythm, practice playing softly, master string muting techniques, explore the connection between minor and major scales, and dive into the world of triads. With dedication and perseverance, your skills as an electric guitarist will flourish. Enjoy the ride and keep rocking!

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