7 Guitar Tips For Older Beginners – It’s NEVER Too Late to Start!

7 Guitar Tips For Older Beginners – It’s NEVER Too Late to Start!

During my years of teaching guitar, I have specialized in helping older beginners “catch up.” My average student is learning guitar over 50 – and a good chunk of them are 60, 70 and even one 78-years-young!

I have helped these students “catch up” to where they deserve to be on guitar, and with these 7 tips for older beginners, I believe I can help you too!

You will learn the importance of warming up before playing guitar. How to simplify the learning process and break things down into small digestible chunks. Going at your own pace, focusing on easy 2-chord songs and identifying the trouble spots rather than playing through the whole song. How to practice guitar, how many times a week and for how long. To leave your guitar out so you can begin practicing immediately, using a guitar stand or guitar wall hanger. You’ll also learn about how light strings are easier to play, and that there’s no shame in this – some of the greats like Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, BB King, Mark Knopfler and many more… they all used VERY LIGHT strings. Finally we talk about fingertip pain, and that it goes away no matter what.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and can’t wait to see you next time!

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