Learn 3 Levels of Chords Using This Classic 90’s Chord Progression

Learn 3 Levels of Chords Using This Classic 90’s Chord Progression

3 Levels of Chords From Easy To Barre

We start with the easiest shape, the power chord, and then add 1 finger to make a 90s chord, and finally ascend all the way to barre chord heaven!

I’m going to show you how to play “Creep” by Radiohead using three levels of chord shapes. We will gradually go from Level 1 – The Power Chord (an easy, movable shape) all the way up to Level 3, Barre Chords. We’ll use what people call the “90’s Shape” or “90’s Chord” to bridge the gap between the two.

Don’t let the word “barre” scare you. The whole point of this is to build up into them, going at it in levels. This isn’t meant to all be done in one day. And the really cool thing is, even if you just get levels one and two down, you can use them together in the same playthrough of Creep, you know maybe using level 1 for the verse, and then using the level 2 shape for the chorus. That’ll allow you to start playing with more dynamics, rather than just strumming the same way the whole time through.

Once we’ve learned all three levels I recommend you listen to the recording and, using your own judgment. Think, “when are the calmer parts of the song happening?” (Usually the verse, near the beginning of the song) “When does it get more intense?” (like during the chorus, or the bridge). Just kind of map out the song that way. Since it’s the same progression the whole time, you can just work through it like that, at your own pace.


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