Essential Country Strumming: Walk-Ups and Walk-Downs on Guitar

Essential Country Strumming: Walk-Ups and Walk-Downs on Guitar

Walking Bassline Challenge Episode 8 (of 8)

In order to accomplish that we will have to break it down into the tiniest bits, isolating each technique or skill, and gradually put it back together.

We’re going to start out by dividing our final product in four different parts and we’ll practice each of those over and over.

Then we’re going to divide it into halves and work on each of those halves by themselves, over and over.

Next, we put it all together.

At this point, if you feel that you’re not ready, this is the time to go back and review. And if you do feel like you’re just about there, we need to get out the metronome and start practicing this thing like a proper musician.

You need to do two things:

  1. First, get it perfect at a comfortable, slow speed.
  2. Then, start increasing the speed, bit by bit, just a little bit every day.

That’s how you polish something off, and ultimately my goal was to teach you how to do that.

Hope you enjoyed the challenge! Let me know how it’s going for you – we all have to take this stuff at our own pace.

You’ll find all 8 episodes of the Walking Bassline Challenge on this page, here!

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