3 Tips For Improving Guitar Posture – How To Hold A Guitar PROPERLY!

3 Tips For Improving Guitar Posture – How To Hold A Guitar PROPERLY!

If you are having trouble reaching notes (especially on the low string) it’s not because your fingers are too small! It’s probably because you must learn how to hold the guitar properly. Other problems include wrist and back pain as well as a general lag when changing chord shapes.

In this tutorial, we do a diagnostic test to see if you’re holding the guitar properly. Basically, when you let go with your chord hand, you want the guitar to not move. If it moves, that means you are supporting the weight of the neck with your chord hand, which could have dire consequences!

I show you 3 tips that’ll help you get past this:

  1. Positioning your strumming arm on the guitar so it can rest and support the full weight of the guitar (gravity ftw!)
  2. Making sure your neck is angled at least parallel to the ground (up to 45 degrees).
  3. Sitting up straight and not tilting the guitar. I know it’s tempting to want to peek at your fingers, but this habit is probably one of the most damaging to your wrist and back.

I hope these tips help you play for longer and get better faster! All the best!

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