All The BEST Guitarists Do This One EASY Trick…

All The BEST Guitarists Do This One EASY Trick…

I want to show you a guitar solo exercise that doesn’t require learning any notes, or rhythms, or scales or chords… it’s going to teach you how to “phrase” on guitar, so you can “say something” meaningful with your solos.

0:00 – Guitar Solo Exercise Demonstration
0:53 – The Basic Concept
1:52 – Soloing Problem
3:12 – We’ll Use The Pentatonic Scale
3:43 – The WRONG Way To Solo
4:19 – 3 Steps To Fix Your Soloing
5:26 – It’s In The Blues!
6:37 – A Lick You Can Practice This With
10:03 – Demonstrating The Concept
11:09 – Farewell Message

This simple concept will instantly improve your ability to take solos and to improvise on guitar without actually learning any new scales! It’s really simple… You play a simple idea, then you repeat it, and then you do something to contrast it.

No matter what your level, whether you just noodle around with 3 notes or if you’ve learned a ton of scales, it’ll instantly improve your ability to actually say something on guitar!

lead guitar improvisation course
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