INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your Guitar Solos By Playing LESS

INSTANTLY IMPROVE Your Guitar Solos By Playing LESS

In this lesson, I want to talk about a huge problem suffered by thousands of guitar players: MUSICAL RANTING, and a guitar solo exercise that can cure it!

When we first learn how to play a guitar solo, we usually start with a scale and simply “go for it.” Oftentimes we end up just playing that scale up and down, trying to use as many notes as possible, when in reality, using fewer notes and taking breaks will lead to better guitar solos. By learning to leave space, we can fix this problem immediately!

Of all the things that you can learn on guitar, this is the fastest way to improve now, without learning any new scales, rhythms or anything like that. In this lesson, I’m going to show you a few ways that you can begin to utilize this phrasing concept and make better solos right away!

If you find yourself noodling on your scale, up and down and unable to actually say something with your guitar, my goal with this lesson is to help you solve that!


0:00 – INTRO
4:53 – SOLUTION 1
6:02 – SOLUTION 2

lead guitar improvisation course
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