Avoiding Fretboard Buzz: Master the Wonderful Tonight Melody

Avoiding Fretboard Buzz: Master the Wonderful Tonight Melody

Welcome back to Day 13 of 30 Days of Guitar! Learn the Wonderful Tonight melody on acoustic guitar. This simple melody will teach us how to press the strings properly and some other tips for playing notes on guitar. Learn the Wonderful Tonight TAB in the simplest way!

How to press the frets for playing melodies

  1. When pressing down a string with the left hand (your fretting hand), press it directly behind the fret with your fingertip, not your nail. If you press with your nail, you won’t get the desired sound.
  2. When releasing a string, release directly from the fingertip. This will prevent accidental noise from the string hitting the fretboard.
  3. Always keep your fingertips close to the fretboard when playing. This will prevent accidental string buzz.

We will also learn the Wonderful Tonight melody, which is very easy to play on either acoustic or electric guitar.

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