Buying Your First Acoustic Guitar? 5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Buying Your First Acoustic Guitar? 5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW!

This beginner’s guide will show you what to look for AND how to test out acoustic guitars properly. So, if you’re wondering, “which acoustic guitar should I buy?” here are 5 things you must consider.

  1. The action – this means how close or far the strings are from the fretboard.
  2. The intonation – how well it tunes and stays in tune.
  3. The sound – determining what sounds good to your ears.
  4. The feel – making sure it’s comfortable in your hands, whether sitting or standing.
  5. The price – this is different for everyone, but there are certain features that are “unlocked” at certain price points.


Shopping For Your First Guitar

I hope this helps you with choosing your first acoustic guitar. I remember when I first stepped into the store, looking at all the different options. It was overwhelming. I came out with something decent, but after all these years, I have figured out some exact ways to make sure the guitar is good quality, that I wish I knew when I was getting started.

If you want some specific recommendations…

My “Beginner Acoustic Starter Pack” has everything you need to get started. I made an amazon page where you can check it out: USA / Canada

If you have smaller hands, I also have compiled a list of 3 guitars that are great for that. Links: USA / Canada

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below! All the best!

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