Master The Fretboard! Knowledge & Music Theory for Guitar

Master The Fretboard! Knowledge & Music Theory for Guitar

How The Fretboard Works

How To Count Music

The Ultimate Tool For Unlocking The Fretboard: The CAGED System

This 3-part series explores CAGED in depth, beginning with the concept in the simplest way (it basically connects the 5 beginner chord shapes that you probably already know: C A G E D).

From there we take it up a notch and I show you some tricks I’ve discovered through my own journey with guitar that have helped me unlock the fretboard.

Basic Music Theory For Guitarists

Music theory can overcomplicate things if you approach it the wrong way. There are a few key elements that will enhance your playing no matter what and help you develop essential guitar skills that will aid you in jamming with others, learning songs faster, writing music & more.

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