Easy Walk Ups and Walk Downs on Acoustic Guitar

Easy Walk Ups and Walk Downs on Acoustic Guitar

Walking Bassline Challenge Episode 7 (of 8)

In order to accomplish that we will have to break it down into the tiniest bits, isolating each technique or skill, and gradually put it back together.

Now that we’ve worked on every single component separately, these last two sessions are going to be spent putting it all together.

Today, I want to do three things:

First we’re going to take what we did last lesson and then make it line up rhythmically with our chord progression.

Once we’ve taken care of that and laid it out with the counting, we’re going to play our bassline, which means we’ll be playing the roots and “alts”, but no down or upstrokes.

Finally, we’re going to add downstrokes where they’ll fit, which is after every root and alt, and that’s it!

You’ll find all 8 episodes of the Walking Bassline Challenge on this page, here!

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