Make Your Own Capo For Guitar (DIY Capo)

Make Your Own Capo For Guitar (DIY Capo)

“How do I use a capo?”
“What do I do if I don’t have a capo?”
“Why do I need to tune my guitar after using a capo?”

In this video I hope to answer a lot of those questions and I thought I’d show you how to make a capo with stuff you can find around your home, just in case you’re not a hundred percent sure that you need one yet.

To make it realistic I did not prepare and buy supplies ahead of time. I actually looked around my house and found all the components necessary within about 2 minutes. While I wouldn’t recommend using a homemade capo in the long run, I’m actually kind of surprised at how well this homemade capo works.

The one issue I have with it is that it’s hard to place it and remove it from your guitar so if you are playing a lot and using a capo a lot I really do recommend buying one. Here are my recommendations for the best capos, in my opinion: USA / Canada

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But if you just want to try it out this is definitely going to work for you.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and if you can’t find your rubber bands, let me know and I’ll ask my cat.


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