Master the Four Simple Chords of “Stand By Me”

Master the Four Simple Chords of “Stand By Me”

Are you a beginner guitar player who wants to learn a classic song that will impress your friends and family? Look no further than “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. In this 30 Days of Guitar lesson, we’ll show you how to master this easy but impressive song.

First, we’ll review the most common chord progression on guitar: G Em C D. Then, we’ll introduce a beginner guitar workout that will help you improve your chord switching. Once you’re comfortable with these chords, we’ll add in the strumming pattern and some singing.

One of the benefits of learning “Stand By Me” is that it only uses four chords – G, Em, C, and D – and they are all relatively simple to play. If you’ve been following along with our 30 Days of Guitar series, you should be familiar with all of these chords by now.

In the video, we demonstrate a beginner guitar workout that involves switching between these chords in a simple pattern. This exercise will help you build muscle memory and increase your speed and accuracy when switching chords.

Once you’re comfortable with the chords, we’ll add in the strumming pattern. We recommend starting with a simple down-up strumming pattern, and then experimenting with more complex patterns once you’re comfortable.

Overall, “Stand By Me” is a great song for beginner guitar players to learn. It’s easy to play, impressive to others, and will help you build important skills like chord switching and strumming. Give it a try and see how quickly you can master this classic tune!

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