One of My Students Had NO Sense of Rhythm! THIS IS HOW WE FIXED IT

One of My Students Had NO Sense of Rhythm! THIS IS HOW WE FIXED IT

I asked them to show me what they meant, and their issue was immediately apparent. They had no sense of rhythm. As this was somewhat early in my teaching career, I had to develop some new strategies for solving their issue.

Over time, I could see their progress, but they couldn’t. They were losing faith in themselves because they wanted INSTANT RESULTS. Guess what? With anything that is worth learning, it’s gonna take time to do it right.

I helped the student stick with it, by giving them a bunch of small victories, and eventually, even though they thought about quitting many times, they are now able to do the thing that they never thought they’d be able to do. Now this student’s weakness is one of their biggest strengths.

I just thought it would be nice to share some of these stories with you, in case you ever feel like you can’t do it. You might not see it yourself, but I know that if you persevere, you will be rewarded.

Till next time!

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