Quickly Switch between G and Em Chords with Songbird

Quickly Switch between G and Em Chords with Songbird

Welcome back to 30 Days of Guitar! Today we’re going to focus on a simple song that will help you switch between G and Em. The song is very easy but we need to count it to make sure we don’t get lost in the music. We also learn yet another SUPER useful strumming pattern that will help you feel the music better.

Learn another chord shape

We are going to learn a simple way to play the G chord on guitar. Then we’ll practice switching from G to Em. This requires you to move only a SINGLE finger!

Songbird Chords

Since this is an easy 2 chord song on guitar, we only need to focus on one thing: keeping our place within the music.

We play 4 measures of G, and 4 measures of Em. This means we have to count “1 2 3 4” FOUR times per chord shape.

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