Two Easy & Impressive Acoustic Blues Licks

Two Easy & Impressive Acoustic Blues Licks

Two Easy & Impressive Acoustic Blues Licks guitar tutorial

Two Easy & Impressive Acoustic Blues Licks

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your blues repertoire, these licks are designed to be both accessible and impressive. We’ll explore techniques that stay lower on the fretboard and avoid bends, perfect for the acoustic setting. I’ll also teach you how to move the licks around the fretboard so you can play them on a 12-bar blues in E and a 12-bar blues in A. Let’s dive in and master the art of acoustic blues together!

Table of Contents

  • 0:00 – Intro
  • 0:53 – Blues Lick #1
  • 1:38 – Demonstration in Context
  • 4:07 – Blues Lick #2
  • 4:53 – Demonstration in Context
  • 5:36 – Hammer-On & Fingering
  • 7:43 – Demonstration with Counting
  • 8:10 – Move Lick to Other Chords
  • 9:39 – Tips & Resources

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