Combine Chords & Strumming with a Walking Bassline

Combine Chords & Strumming with a Walking Bassline

Walking Bassline Challenge Episode 1 (of 8)

In order to accomplish that we will have to break it down into the tiniest bits, isolating each technique or skill, and gradually put it back together.

I want to show you how, no matter how tricky something is, it can always be broken down into smaller and smaller bits. And when you work on those bits, you are going to be working towards a greater goal, rather than just doing a bunch of random stuff on guitar. Everything we do is going to culminate in us being able to play this!

In this first lesson, we’re going to be laying out the groundwork. The real basic stuff: the chords, switching and some strumming, just like I do in my usual lessons.

But as we go on, we’re going to gradually change it, adding one little thing at a time until eventually we’ve reached our goals. Next time, we’ll change our strumming pattern ever so slightly, in order to target some bass notes.

You’ll find all 8 episodes of the Walking Bassline Challenge on this page, here!

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