Better than CAGED – The System That ACTUALLY Worked For Me

Better than CAGED – The System That ACTUALLY Worked For Me

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series. Visit my Fretboard Knowledge Page to see the rest!

Today I want to show you how to use the CAGED system to to unlock the fretboard and play in any key. I’ll teach you some shortcuts that will help you see the fretboard like a pro. The CAGED method is like a file folder with everything inside it: barre chords, arpeggios, triads, pentatonic scales, major and minor scales, modes… it’s jam packed! When I first learned CAGED, it didn’t change my playing.. I had to do this first, in order to get the most from it.

How to USE the CAGED System Table of Contents

  • 0:00 – Knowledge vs. Application
  • 1:05 – CAGED Is Just 2 Shapes
  • 3:01 – Finding The Notes… FAST!
  • 5:14 – Minor CAGED
  • 6:50 – Arpeggios
  • 8:44 – Triads + Inversions
  • 10:47 – Pentatonic Scales
  • 12:12 – Major and Minor Scales
  • 14:29 – Modes
Table of Contents
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